@sfthiyori's profile

my profile ☆★

🇸🇬 紫睿 - zǐ ruì (rui) he/him 16 (08) esfj 7w6

(≧▽≦) ! favs
enstars : knights, makoto, hiyori, chiaki, tomoya, sora, shu, hiiro paralive : cozmez, ryu, reo, hokusai, hajun, allen mhyk : mithra, chloe, faust, lennox, murr hrh : marion, dino, faith, bianchi, nico bandori : pasupare, moca, pareo, lisa
(≧▽≦) ! ships — enstars
i ship izuleo, izuritsu, ritsuleo, izukasa, ritsukasa, narusena, ritsunaru, narukasa, leokasa, naruleo, polyknights, ritsumao, chiaizu, kaoizu, narumika, adoara, shumika, tomohokke, sorakasa, hiiai, kohaai, chiakana, hiyojun, hiyonaru, ibahaji, ibayuzu, polytrickstar !!

izuleo | izu | @ leo

love love love ! ♡
rhythm games (osu, muse dash, phigros, pjsekai, enstars, hypmic, idolish7, bandori, d4dj)
kpop ! mostly girl grps (tripleS, izna, ive, nwjns, lsrfm, dreamcatcher, kard, zb1, xikers, xdinary heroes, svt, enhypen)
other fandoms (love and deepspace, twst, hsr, helios rising heroes, mhyk, milgram, alien stage, paralive)

@sfthiyori's profile

Soirée in the Canary Hall

i tend to type in caps lock, use emoticons and make kys/kms jokes ! im a knightsP so most of my posts will be about them and i can go on and on about my favourite ships!! i also rt a lot :3c i dont consider 2 year age gaps to be a proship (ex. ritsukasa, leokasa) but there are still some ships that make me feel iffy tho! im also really bad at continuing convos so bear with me……
dni list!!
if you’re racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, if you’re under 13, proshippers, dsmp fans, genuinely hate on my interests/faves, if you use he/him prns on arashi
rules regarding my edits
remakes and ibs are ok with creds! do NOT repost my edits or claim one of my edits is yours. i’m not taking requests / commissions at the moment !!